For expert repairs and replacement of exterior wall cladding, you need a reliable building restoration company with a track record for Excellence. I&E Construction offers skilled workmanship and the best quality materials. Every customer enjoys personalized service with a dedicated project manager to ensure timely and efficient project completion.

Cladding is a critical line of defense against wind, water, and sun. Many building envelope problems can occur when cladding is compromised. Even the smallest breach or failure potentially opens up your interiors to moisture, rot, mold, and mildew. Structural integrity issues to the wall system are likely to follow. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly monitor your exteriors for cracks, leaks, dark patches (indicating moisture infiltration), or any signs of physical damage. If repairs are required, you must ensure that they are carried out as soon as possible. Proper maintenance with regular cleaning, sealing, caulking, and painting can also prevent significant problems from occurring and the consequent repair expenses.