Cost-effective building waterproofing services from I&E Construction can preserve your exterior structure and interiors from extensive water damage and devaluation. We offer comprehensive solutions for above and below-grade waterproofing to keep your property and occupants safe. Our sound knowledge of building envelope engineering helps us identify and take care of any issues that could pose a potential problem to structural integrity in the future.
Water is a building's worst enemy. Over time, even the strongest of structures will show signs of wear and water damage as a result of continuous exposure to rain, water, and seepage. Neglect and lack of maintenance of foundation walls will create cracks, water leakage, put the exterior building's structural integrity and interior surfaces at an increased risk of being compromised. We provide a wide range of waterproofing and restoration services to protect your investment.
Each project, big or small, is treated with the same level of detailed attention. Our waterproofing and restoration experts work hard to ensure you have the right solution and that it is properly executed.