Safety Leadership

Safety Is Our Daily Commitment. Our number one priority is protecting our people. We have built a culture of safety by making it an integral part of our daily practice. From the leadership team, through our entire organization, extending to our sub-contractors, clients and communities, our commitment is specific, actionable, and built into every project.

Safety Training

Well trained and prepared employees are our strongest defense against workplace injuries and accidents. Solid safety training is a necessary requirement for all I&E Employees. Beginning with our vetting and onboarding process, safety is put on the forefront of everything we do.

Safety Incentives

Active employee involvement in the advancement of our safety program is encouraged and rewarded through various incentive programs that recognize employees who demonstrate extraordinary commitment to health and safety in the workplace and promote a culture of safety within their team.


While we continue to deliver quality performance, our number one priority is your safety. Amid the ongoing coronavirus or “COVID-19,” pandemic, we must all remain vigilant in mitigating outbreaks. In order to be safe and maintain healthy business operations, we have developed a COVID-19 Exposure Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Plan to be implemented throughout the Company and at all our job sites. I&E Construction is committed to following public health care guidelines and enforcing CDC recommendations for Coronavirus (COVID-19).

Our Response Plan

We appreciate your patience and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns regarding safety, please reach out using the contact form below.


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